Points to keep in mind for recruiting new personnel into an organisation if you are the HR Manager of a footwear manufacturing company

Points to keep in mind for recruiting new personnel into an organisation if you are the HR Manager of a footwear manufacturing company :

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Manpower or human power may be the total knowledge, skills, creative activities, talents and aptitudes of an organization’s workforce as well as the values, attitudes and benefits of an individual involved. It is the sum total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons. The most important in a management system is the management of men, which is the most valuable asset of an organisation.

Human Resource Planning, means deciding the number and type of Human Resources required for each job, unit and the total company for a particular future date in order to carry out organizational activities. Strategic planning is the basis for human resource planning.
The human resource manager of the company has to understand the company’s strategies and their demand for human resource by planning for human resource. Human resource planning may be viewed as foreseeing the human resource requirements of an organization and the future supply of human resources. It is not only about the number of the employees, but it also means skills, knowledge, values, ability, commitment, motivation etc.
The Manpower planning process is an important aspect to be considered before commencing any recruitment procedures:-
1. Are vacancies to be filled by promotions from within or by hiring from outside?.
2. How do the training and development objectives interfere with the manpower planning objectives?.
3. What union constraints are encountered in manpower planning and what policies are needed to handle these constraints?.
4. How to enrich employee’s job? Should the routine and boring jobs continue or be eliminated.
5. How to downsize the organisation to make it more competitive.
6. To what extent production and operations be automated and what can be done about those displaced.
7. How to ensure continuous availability of adaptive and flexible workforce.
Forecasting of human resources requirements serves the following purposes
1. To quantify the jobs necessary for producing a given number of goods; or offering a given amount of service;
2. To determine what staff-mix is desirable in the future;
3. To assess appropriate
Footwear is the collective term for the movable objects, which support to bear the weight of human body with soft feet on the surfaces of the ground. Footwear can be a product of artistic design and is considered a form of decorative art also though the same is for safeguarding the foot.
Now a days the footwear industry is facing tough and still competition to withstand in this situation the industry need to have a major share of market, this can be obtained only through sustained, prolonged advertisements. Here the market is having a brand image and goodwill became other advertisement. Its true that quality matter but this quality can be brought to light only through in depth advertisements. So it’s really imperative to have a company advertisement wing in this footwear competition.
Team of employees in Lidsole:-
In order to meet the challenges of dynamic business environment, the organisation has replaced the old hierarchies with teams of different types in the form of work teams or project teams. A team is a group of people in the organisation constituted for completing certain assignments. A team is like a task force with a major difference. A task force is created to solve unusual problems that an organisation may face occasional. In contrast to this, work teams are constituted quite frequently.
Types of Team
There are different types of teams. The typology of the teams are based on their constitution, purpose, power entrusted, duration, etc.
The teams are
1. Lead team
2. Cross functional Team
3. Problem solving Team.
4. Self managing team

Lead team
The lead team consists of managers and their direct subordinates. This is the most usual form of team which works in every part of an organisation. The basic feature of this type of team is that it is created on the basis of hierarchical relationships as organisational administrative units. The objective of a lead team is to plan and execute the business activities in its specified area of responsibility. These activities include determining how and what contribution the team will make to achieve organisational objectives. The lead team sets the example by demonstrating the art of teamwork. The approach is team work adopted is ‘do as I do’ rather than the conventional ‘do as I say’ approach. This creates the team spirit among its members which is essential for effective performance.
Cross functional Team:-
A cross-functional team has been constituted by selecting personal from different functional areas, particularly from those functions which have high interdependence. The basic objective of this team is to solve problems and take decisions in those areas which cannot be done by a particular functional department.
Problem solving Team
The problem solving team is also known as corrective action team, which is constituted to solve specific problems which the organisation is facing It was constituted to make effective of the following lines:-
a. Selecting the specific problems, which cannot be soled by an individual alone.
b. Selecting the personal who have intimate knowledge of the problem.
c. Communicating the nature of the problem and need for its solution.
d. Giving the team a high profile within the organisation.
e. Implementing the solution suggested by the team
f. Recognizing the contributions made by the team
Self managing Team:
It is a team, which is empowered and is having the following characteristics
a. They are empowered to share various management and leadership functions.
b. They plan, control and improve their own work processes.
c. They set their own goals and inspect their own work.
d. They often create their own schedules and review their performance as a group.
e. They prepare their own budgets and coordinate their work with other departments.
f. They usually order materials, keep inventories and deal with suppliers
g. They are frequently responsible for acquiring any new training they might need.
h. They may hire their own replacement or assume responsibility for disciplining their own members.
i. They and no other outside the team takes responsibility for the quality of their products or service.
Advertising : Meaning and definition:
At every point of the day you are bombarded with commercial messages. Advertisements are everywhere. When you get up in the morning by your beside radio, when you pick up junk mail from the doormat, when you stand at the poster laden bus stop, when you read newspaper, when you watch TV at night, the commercial assault on your senses seems relentless. Researchers in the United States have estimated that by the age of 18 the average American will have seen around 3,50,000 commercials. Love them or hate them, you cannot avoid them. The term, `Advertising' came to be defined as paid form for mass media communication, rather than all promotional activity. It became a means to the marketing ends of managing and controlling the consumer markets at the least cost. Advertising can be used for a number of reasons, to motivate consumers to buy goods, or certain consumers not to buy goods, to change attitudes or to encourage retailers to stock products.
When a marketer or a firm has developed a product to satisfy market demand after thoroughly analyzing the market, there is a need for establishing contact with the target market to eventually sell the product. Moreover this has to be a mass contract, which means that the marketer is interested in reaching a large number of people so that his products ma receive optimum exposure
Naturally the best way to reach this, mass market is through mass communication and advertising is one of such mass communication along with such other means as publicity, sales promotion and public relations. Advertising is not a panacea that can restore a poor product or rejuvenate a declining market. It only helps in selling through the art and business of persuasive communication.
"Advertising is neither a science, an art, nor manufacture. It has no general standard, no root principles, no hard and fast rules, no precedents, and no foolproof machinery. It is a subject full of controversy today as it was fifty years back." Successful advertising appeals both to the head and to the heart, to reason and emotions. Now days doing business without advertising, is like -winking at a girl in the dark; you know what you are doing but nobody else does.
Advertising, as we understand it today, was not used until about 200 years ago. The form of advertising for the transmission of information dates back to ancient Greek and Rome. Criers and signs were used to carry information for advertising goods and services well before the development of printing. During 17th century, when newspapers started appearing in various parts of the world, newspaper advertising began to develop. This was an important phase in the history of advertising. Earlier ads in the newspapers were for books, marriage offers, new beverages and ads for travel. Soon advertising became the main source of revenue for newspaper and space selling came into existence. Those early advertiser were mostly importers of products that were new to England. For example the first add offering coffee was made in a news paper in England in1652 chocolates and tea were first introduced through news paper in 1657 and 1658 respectively in England in 19 century advertising marked a great expansion, In 1875, the first modern advertising agency was set up in Philadelphia (N.W. Ayer & Son). They offered not only space selling but also many other services to clients.
Industry revolution had a tremendous impact on advertising industry. Industry revolution led to the expansion of mass manufactured goods in Europe and America, making markets larger and larger. TV development altered the relationship between the makers and users of goods and created a need for advertising. By the end of 1920s advertising had grown into a major industry in USA. A majority of automobiles and packaged foods were advertised on a large scale.
The pre-independence ads were mostly about ladies goods, gent’s cloths, traveling eating-places and entertainment for British in India. It is only after independence and the abolition of the princely order that a newborn middle class received the attention of the advertisers
Our advertising in the last couple of decades has made much progress in terms of technical excellence, copy and graphics. However, progress in the area of relating to customers is slow. There is a definite trend both in audiovisual and print ads to use appeals that are compatible with Indian culture.
Advertising in India - reasons for renaissance:
• The prospect of the opening up of new segments like health care and insurance.
• The increased ad spends by dot-coms on traditional and non traditional media
• The increase in competition, which is, seeing the entry of new companies and new campaigns.
• The discovery of new market segments for specific products at specific prices
• The emergence of advance media planning techniques that facilitates optimal choice of media
• A strong demand for desi ads, owing to the success of Pepsi ‘dil mange more’
• International affiliations that make available best-in-class advertising systems to Indian agencies.
• The coming of age of integrated communications, which helps agencies manage brands better.
• The willingness of MNCs to make adjustments in the treatment of advertisements.
There will be a number of challenges unique to the coming generation and with these challenges there will be opportunities, responsibilities and rewards that Advertisers of the past could not have imagined.
The Workmen’s participation in employment become evitable now a day as the strength of trade union is growing day by day. The ability to meet the customers' needs depends on the knowledge, imagination, skills, diversity, teamwork and integrity of the people working in an organisation and their dedication. Human resources programs are driven by this commitment. There will be a number of challenges unique to the coming generation and with these challenges there will be opportunities, responsibilities and rewards that Advertisers of the past could not have imagined.
"Advertising is a funny business because it is not only a business - it is half a business, quarter a profession and quarters an art. An advertiser may organize the advertisement campaign through its own advertisement department, or may entrust the work to an advertisement agency.
The advertising agencies operating in India are accredited by the INS-(Indian Newspaper Society), New Delhi. While granting accreditation, the services rendered by the agencies, the accounts handled, the billing made, the organization structure and facilities, the foreign tie-ups, the creative output, the personnel employed, all these are taken in to account. INS press hand book lists accredited agencies together with basic information.
An advertising agency renders a variety of advertising and marketing services to the company. On behalf of its client companies', it studies capacity’s products, sales pattern, distribution system and consumers and in the background prepares the plans for advertising campaigns. It then executes these plans by preparing an advertising copy, layout, selects media; buys space and evaluate the advertisement results.
A Company benefits enormously by the quality of these services, which are an amalgam of rich expertise, varied experiences and objectives and professional attitude. The kind of quality of services rendered sometimes far out weigh the cost involved.
The advertising agency manages its employees finance and other resources effectively and economically. Public relations, sales promotional function and clients contacts are maintained by the management for the effective operations of the advertising agency.
The advertising agency selects the media or a set of suitable media for the client to reach the right type of audience. The rates, circulation, population, audience, income and other important information are collected for this purpose. It has to see to it that the media plan is carried out properly which is devised to implement the campaign communication objectives.
The management delegates the responsibilities of advertising planning and execution to an agency, which must have a fair knowledge of the firm's products, its history, the present market conditions, distribution methods, price levels, and other conditions.
The advertising copy is written, the layout is prepared, illustrations are drawn, photographs are finalized, and a correct mechanical form for running it in the selected media is produced, and thereafter a suitable advertising copy for insertion in all the media.
Research is a key function in advertising campaign for the product. The decisions on creativity and media selection are taken on the findings uncovered by research. Research makes every decision systematic and logical based as it is on facts and figures. The Management should give adequate precaution to this aspect inorder to regulate the market.
Hindustan Thompson Associates Ltd (HTA) has retained its position as the number one Indian advertising agency in 1998-99, even as the advertising industry grew at 17.9 per cent, according to the tenth A&M Agency report.
Marketing of a product is mainly by advertising, medium is a channel of communication, such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television. It is needed a vehicle for carrying the sales message of an advertiser to the large group of prospects and thereby aids in closing the gap between producer at one end and the consumer at the other end. Each medium designs its product to be more and more attractive among its audience, Each medium applies marketing concepts to the designing of the right product, selling it at the right price, distributing is through several outlets and at times, taking the help of right promotional means to increase its circulation or improve the popularity of its programs.
Types of media:-
The media are classified into two categories:
Above the line media: press TV, outdoor, posters, cinema and radio. The recognized agencies get commission from these media.
Below the line media: those who do not give commission to the ad agency. The agency adds a percentage as a handling or profit charge or charges a service fee. It includes direct mail POS, SP, Merchandising, Exhibition and sales literature.
The following are the various categories of media available to a media buyer or an advertiser to place the advertisement regarding the posts vacant, types of goods, etc.
1. Print media
(i) News paper
(ii) Magazines
a) Consumer magazines: general interest, special interest magazines like Auto world, Interior India
(b)Business Publications: Industrial publications, institutional publications, etc
(iii) Direct Advertising:
Direct mail,
2. Broadcast Media:
(i) Radio: Vivid Bharati, FM, World space.
(ii) Television: Terrestrial channels like DD and satellite channels like STAR, ZEE TV.
(iii) Narrow- cast media: Video and Cable TV, Cinema, AD films.
3. Outdoor Media:
(a) Transit media
(b) Billboards
(c) Posters
4. Other Media:
(i) Specialty Media: T - Shirts, caps, stickers, badges etc.
(ii)Direct advertising or direct marketing
(iii)Product placement
(v) SMS
Market research equips the advertiser with knowledge and data about the consumer, the product and the market. These data are about who the consumers are, what their needs and wants are, what is their buying behavior what are the product qualities; when and where these products are bought, who are the competitors, what is the extent of the competition; and a great deal of other information. These are useful in planning advertising programs, and in selecting the type of media to be employed.
Advertisement testing may be done either before or after the ad has run in the media. The first one is referred to as pre testing, and the other one is referred to as post testing. However, the basic purpose of testing advertisement effectiveness is to avoid costly mistakes, to predict the relative strength of alternative advertising agencies, and to increase their efficiency.
Lidsole has selected all the ways to advertise its product, find a suitable market, select the preferred customers, and make available the required quantity of materials and at the required time and place.
In spite of rapid developments in the tools and materials used, traditional Indian cobblers are still rooted in the ancient style of their ancestors, and use the simplest of hand instruments while footwear pieces.
Besides dealing in natural rubber, Lidsole manufacture and markets a wide variety of products, ranging from footwear to schoolbag, from cycle tyres and tubes to mats and mattresses. Now Lidsole is the largest exporter of footwear.
The most modern footwear manufacturing plant has a processing capacity of 40,00,000 pairs of various types of footwear per year. The products are being exported to UK, USA, Japan and many other countries across the world. Lidsole is also manufacturing some varieties of footwear using the finger joining technology and is available in attractive finishes.
The organization is poised for high level of growth and it is this idea that has propelled it towards adopting the International quality management system.
Product is the fundamental feature, which determines the success or failure of the firm. It is the medium through which the firm attains the objective of customer satisfaction and profit maximization.
The range introduced by Lidsole comprises of elegantly designed, modern footwear fashioned out of eco friendly rubber and other raw materials, Manufactured in technical and financial collaboration with other leading companies. The Lidsole range conforms to International standards in finishing and durability and is crafted from specially treated rubber, leather and other raw materials for extra durability and finish.
The following are the various ranges of products offered by Lidsole.
a. Canvas.
b. Sandals
c. Evalite
d. Sunshine etc
Lidsole Canvas open up unlimited possibilities in designs and processing on pars with the highest standards and unequalled elegance. This canvas footwears are produced by sophisticated process of finger joining and edge gluing, using resigns of polymers.
Lidsole Canvas footwear division manufactures a range of quality casual footwear
The plant employee sophisticated machinery and has a production capacity of 3.6 million pairs per annum. The product range includes sturdy regulates and comfy ultra-lites. Perfect blend, quality row material and superior manufacturing methods make the Lidsole range second to none. In a short span, Lidsole has made its presence felt in fiercely competitive markets on account of the excellent quality of its products. This division also manufactures school bags, shoe polish, brush, belt, etc in fascinating colours. Lidsole footwear range presently comprises of three leading brands- Lidsole Hawai, Lidsole Rainbow and Lidsole Classic. Lidsole Hawai has durable flexi-strap, soft insoles and Power Grip technology, offering true value for money. Lidsole Rain-bow is a colorful range of ultra-light, casual foot wear with cushioned insoles and extra straps. Lidsole Classic is a top quality Hawai that provides excellent wearing comfort and durability.
Marketing is a comprehensive activity and it includes all resources and set of activity necessary to direct and facilitate the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer in the process of distribution. Human efforts, finance and management constitute the primary resources in marketing.
Marketing is a total system of business and ongoing process of discovering and translating consumer needs and desires into products and services, creating the demand for those products and services, and expanding the market even in the face of keen competition.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines Marketing as; the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfied individual and organizational objectives. Marketing aims at customer satisfaction and delivers standard of living to the society. Marketing function of Lidsole is undertaken by Lidsole’s sole marketing company; LIDSOLE SALES INTERNATIONAL LTD. It has wide marketing network all over world.
Channels of Distribution:-
Channel of Distribution simply means the set of marketing intermediaries through which the goods flow from the producer to the consumer. In short it is the outlet to let out the goods to final consumers.
In field of marketing, Channel of Distribution means the path or network through which the products are made available to the consumers, thus providing time and place utility. The channels of distribution of the company are distributed through exclusive dealers.
Line and Staff Organisation Structure.
Line and staff organisation refers to a pattern in which staff specialists advise line managers to perform their duties. When the work of an executive increases, its performance requires the services of specialties which he himself cannot provide because of his limited capabilities on these fronts. Such advise is provided to line managers by staff personal who are generally specialist in their fields. The staff positions or departments are purely advisory nature. They have the right to recommend, but have no authority to enforce their preference on other departments.
In actual practice sometimes it is difficult to determine which departments are line or staff. The problem can usually be solved by classifying activities within an organisation. The departments performing substantive (direct) in its contribution to the organisations overall objectives are line one and the those performing objective(Indirect) of activities are staffs ones.
Market segmentation
A market consists of buyers, they are large in numbers, they are widely scattered, they differ in their wants, purchasing power buying attitudes, buying practices etc. Therefore, it is desirable to group the buyers on the basis of location, income, age, education, sex etc. So as to enhance satisfaction to consumers and profit to the markets. This grouping of buyers is called Market Segmentation.
In other words, Market Segmentation means divisions of markets of certain products or services.
At the primary level the unit geographically divided segments into two area; i.e., Home Segment and Outside India Segment. Home Segment consisting of inside India and Outside India Segment consisting the all states all foreign countries.
Urban division
Urban Wholesale Division consist of 25 depots selling over 15.0 Million pairs across the country through 150 distributors and over 20,000 dealers. The focus is on selling volume products catering to complete family needs.
Shoe trader who buys merchandise to resell to dealers (multibrand outlets) located in street markets of major cities / towns and rural areas. They keep inventory of lidsole products for replacement and sell on credit or cash basis. Their focus is on volume products like basic closed shoes, sandals/chappals, school shoes, Canvas shoes, Hawai, Sandak and Batalite.
Departments in Lidsole India
1. Production Department
2. Quality Department
3. Marketing Department
4. Finance Department
5. Sales and shipping Department
6. Maintenance Department
7. Purchase Department
8. Personnel and administration Department.
Multibrand outlets located in major cities selling lidsole products also. Products consist of medium to high priced shoes for the whole family. These shops deal in regional brands and unbranded footwear from small manufacturers also. Some of the dealer stores are located in high streets and are also air-conditioned.
Advertising covers various types of activities connected with the giving of publicity regarding goods and services. Advertising is a non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. It is impersonal promotion in which a standard message is transmitted to a large audience.
Advertising of Lidsole products are made directly through Hoarding, Press Media and Visual Media, internet.
Lidsole products are being exported to UK, USA, JAPAN, IRELAND, SAUDI ARABIA and all other African countries and many other countries across the globe.
The word brand is a comprehensive term, which includes name, symbol, mark, design or a combination of them which is intended to identify goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate them from competitors.
To collect raw materials from factories and to distribute finished products in far away places; one has to depend upon transport. Sales and shipping department undertakes the transportation function of the company.
Dispatch procedure
Dispatch is done according to the order. The dispatch is by way of parcels, shipping, and also by airways based on the orders. However more dispatch is by way of shipping to various destinations and the domestic orders are met by parcels service.
Research design is the basic framework, which provides guidelines for the research process. It provides the incomparable skeleton system for the research process. It was more of descriptive study than an exploratory one. Descriptive study helps in obtaining needed information required for this study. The required data collected from a sample of a population of interest. Another aspect that forms a part of research process is the sample and model design. When the marketing researcher has to decide to carry out a field survey, he has to decide whether it is to be a census or sample survey. In almost all cases, a sample survey is undertaken on account of its overwhelming advantage over a census survey .The researcher has to select a specific type of sample design from a number of sample designs.
Data collection
Data constitute formulation of research. Hence the first step was to obtain the data. The study was conducted all the states of India and some regions in abroad. A pilot survey was conducted to know about the market and based on the main survey was conducted. The primary data was collected through structured schedules .The secondary data has been collected from company records. Discussing with respondents has collected some addition information
Research Design
Research design is the plan, structure, and strategy of investigation achieved so as to obtain answers to research question and to control variance. Design consist of three important terms- plan, structure and strategy. Different types research designs have emerged on account of the different perspective from which a research study can be viewed. Descriptive research design is used in this study. Since the study describes the state of affaires as it exists at present. Descriptive research includes survey and fact-finding enquiries of different kind. In this study the researcher is analyzing the effectiveness of the present advertisement campaign of Lidsole descriptive research design selected for this particular study.
Sampling Method
Stratified sampling method was used to select the 100 respondents from the India and abroad.
Sampling Design
The sample design for the study conducted was probability sampling
The population for the study comprises of consumers and dealers of India and abroad.
Sampling unit
Sampling unit for the study are customers characterized into male and female
Sample size
Sample size consists of 100 customers and 20 retailers. 50 customers and 10 retailers were selected from India and abroad respectively.
Materials used for production
A wide range of materials and combinations are used to produce footwear nowadays. Leather, rubber, synthetic materials and fabrics are all mainly used for the uppers.
Each material has its own specific features, not only in appearance but also in properties, performance and treatment. The type of material used has an important influence on how long the item lasts and, often, dictates the recommended use.
However, the natural material that is most widely used for footwear is LEATHER. Leather breathes, it is soft, it has good impact resistance, it adapts perfectly to your feet. There are various main types:
• Smooth leather – has a soft surface with tiny pores, it can be shiny or matt.
• Drummed leather – has a very soft and lined surface.
• Patent leather – has a very smooth and shiny surface; it is easily damaged, due to chemical substances, to frost.
• Nubuck – is similar to suede and is easily marked even if you touch it lightly with your fingers, but they brush off easily.
• Leather – a type used for the soles on formal footwear.
• Crust – a section of the skin, under the surface.
In India, synthetic materials and fabrics are used for the uppers and insole or lining of a shoe.
2 most frequent used synthetic material used besides textile:
Polyvinyl chloride is flexible material that is chemically non-reactive. PVC accepts paints and performs well under most silk-screening processes have high strength. It's weather resistance, and odorless.
Polyurethane is a flexible and soft material that sometimes looks like leather. Very light but does not have a long lasting shelve life. Will tends to bio-degrade itself after 2-3 years into small molecular powder.
At Lidsole, we build business leaders who create value, who believe that the future belongs to those who are able to create it. We value integrity, creativity, passion, a 'Will-do' attitude and the will to succeed above all else. Together, these empower our people to take risks, to experiment, to set their own goals and win in the market place.
In turn, we encourage those who are eager to take the initiative to continuously learn and experiment. This attitude helps us remain contemporary and relevant at all times. We believe that the most enduring way to retain talent is to enable our people to continuously add value to them.
The main objective of our training is that of “Supporting, Developing and Strengthening our sales nature.
2Recruitment procedures start from where the demand for the employees arises. To know the requirement the following procedures are followed.
I) Analyzing the corporate and unit level strategies: -
Human Resource planning should start with analyzing corporate level and unit level strategies. These strategies include expansion, diversification, mergers, acquisitions, reduction in operations, low cost and differentiation, implementation. Strategic implementation requires the production implementation, technological implementation, marketing implementation and human resources implementation.

II) Demand Forecasting of the overall human resource requirements: -
The existing job design and analysis may thoroughly be reviewed keeping in view the future capabilities, knowledge and skills of present employees. The jobs should be redesigned and reanalyzed keeping in view the organizations and unit wise plans and programs, future work quantum, future activity or task analysis, future skills, values, knowledge and capabilities of present employees and prospective employees. One of the important aspects of demand forecasting is the forecasting of the quality of human resources (skill, knowledge, values etc.,)
Methods of Forecasting: -
The forecasting methods of the requirement of the man power are as follows:-
a) Managerial judgment: -
Managers decide the number of employees required for future operation based on their past experience.
b) Statistical techniques: -
The statistical techniques include ratio analysis and econometric models. Under ratio trend analysis, ratios are calculated for the past date and these ratios are used for the estimation of the future human resource requirements.
Examples for statistical techniques are as follows,
• Present level of production (1-1-2004) - 2000 Units
• Present number of foremen (1-1-2006) - 4
• Ratio is 2000 : 4 - 500
• Estimated production as on (1-1-2008) - 5000 Units.
• Foreman required as on (1-1-2008) -5000
Important objectives of Human Resource Planning are –
1. To recruit and retain the human resource of required quantity and quality and to avoid the unnecessary postings and filling of unnecessary post.
2. To foresee the employee turn over and make the arrangements for minimizing turn over and filling up of consequent vacancies.
3. To meet the needs of the programs of expansion, diversification etc.
4. To foresee the impact of technology on work, existing employees and future human resource requirements.
5. To improve the standards, skill, knowledge, ability, discipline etc.
6. To assess the surplus or shortage of human resource and take measures accordingly.
7. To maintain congenial industrial relations by maintaining optimum level and structure of human resources.
8. To minimize the imbalances caused due to non-availability of human resources of the right kind, right number in right time and right place.
9. To make the best use of the human resources.
10. To estimate the cost of human resources.
The recruitment and selection is one of the important areas of personal administration. An enterprise after knowing its manpower requirements on the basis of job description and job specifications takes the steps to recruit personnel. Recruitment forms the first stage in the process, which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidate. It is the process of identifying the prospective employees, stimulating and encouraging them to apply for a particular job or jobs in an organization. It is a positive action as it involves inviting people to apply. The purpose is to have an inventory of eligible persons from amongst whom proper selection of the most suitable person can be made.